Apna Peas Seed
Premium Quality Peas Seeds
Early type, plants are medium in height
Green pods and pod length 7cm
An average of 7 to 8 seeds per pod
Adequate resistance to diseases
Grains are green in color, round in shape, with a small pit in each grain
Lena Pak
Early variety, high productivity
Pod length 8 to 9 cm
Healthy pods, excellent shelf life
The number of seeds in the pod is 7 to 9
Excellent ability to withstand climatic stress
Pod color light green, pods in joint shape
High productivity, healthy, vibrant plants
Excellent resistance to diseases
Ready for Picking in 70 to 75 days
Straight, green pods, high number of seeds in the pod
Pod length is about 10 to 12 cm and 9 to 10 seeds per pod
Product Meta
Categories: Dada Jee Corporation, Seed Division